Rethinking DrinkingHave you wondered whether you might be drinking a bit too much?  Maybe friends have started to suggest that it’s time to think about cutting back.  This website, published by the National Institute of Health, provides research-based information that will help you learn more about whether your drinking is still in the safe zone or if it is starting to become a problem.  Age, health status, gender are all things that can play a role in how much is too much or how often is too often.

Te site helps you to do the math to see how your alcohol consumption compares to US citizens in general and identify whether you are at risk for problem drinking,  If you decide that it’s time to cut back on your drinking, the website offers practical ways to  in a way this doesn’t make you feel like a teetotaler but keeps your mental and physical health safer…and perhaps your sense of self-respect too.  Bear in mind that for some people, alcohol is an all or nothing deal…one drink and the next thing you know, you’re in blackout.  Resources are offered to get help, if you need to stop completely and are struggling to do so.


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